Animals Home / Hol élnek az állatok?

Ant - Hill or Formicary
Badger - Sett
Bat - Roost, Cave
Bear - Den
Beaver - Lodge
Bee - Hive
Bird - Nest
Bird of Prey - Eyrie
Cat - Cattery, Lair, Den
Cattle - Barn, Byre, Pasture, Stable
Chicken - Coop, Run 

Cow - Stables, Shed
Dog - Kennel
Fox - Earth, Den, Hole, Lair
Hare - Form 

Hen - Coops
Horse - Paddock, Stable, Stall, Stud
Lion - Den
Mole - Burrow, Fortress, Tunnel
Otter - Holt, Ledge
Pig - Pen, Sty, Pigsty
Rabbit - Warren, Burrow, Cony-garth, Hutch
Sheep - Fold, Pen
Snake - Nest
Spider - Web
Squirrel - Drey
Termite - Mound
Tiger - Lair
Wasp - Nest, Vespiary
Wolf - Lair, Den

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